Sensitive Areas of the Body: The Significance of the TMJ

The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is a complex and sensitive area of the body that plays a significant role in our daily lives. This small joint, located in front of each ear, allows us to open and close our mouths, chew food, speak and even yawn. Despite its importance, many people are unaware of the significance of the TMJ and... read more »

The End of Another Year is Here

As we approach the end of 2023, I like to reflect back on all that has happened to my family, friends, associates and co-workers. At Sleep and TMJ Therapy, we have all been blessed by another very successful year. By successful, I am referring to the successes that are measurable in terms of how our patients feel, how they have... read more »

TMJ Disorder and Exercise

When seeking effective treatment for temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), various factors must be taken into account. TMD primarily involves the displacement of articular discs, which cover the condyles (cartilage on the upper part of the jaw bones), resulting in the compression of nerves and blood vessels. Consequently, individuals experience pain in the head and neck region. Additionally, TMD commonly leads... read more »

TMJ Disorder and Exercise

When is comes to TMD (Temporomandibular joint Disorder), there are many things that a person has to consider when looking for successful treatment. With TMD, most of the time the articular discs that cover the condyles (the cartilage on top of the jaw bones) are displaced and will pinch nerves and blood vessels. This leads to head and neck pain.... read more »

The Case of Why We Need a Gorgeous Smile (From a TMJ Perspective)

What a gorgeous smile means to most of us is a great set of pearly whites that show off how healthy we are and how much we care about ourselves. Caring about your smile also translates into caring about your entire body which just makes good sense. What this means to you is that by keeping all your teeth, your... read more »

Myths about TMJ and Sleep

TMJ and sleep disorders are very common but not really understood.  This can explain why myths or misconceptions are out there.  The other side of this coin is this is also commonly misdiagnosed because symptoms vary from person to person and are similar to other problems.  One example of similarities is with Lyme Disease.  This is caused by a tick... read more »