TMD Recipe Cookbook

A healthy diet is essential for overall health, both physically and mentally, but maintaining a healthy diet while navigating TMJ and jaw issues can be difficult! With our appliance therapy, we want to encourage healthy habits, which is why at Sleep & TMJ Therapy, our dentist and team have created a cookbook full of healthy and easy-to-eat recipes to try before, during or after your treatment. Remember good health and nutrition helps protects against heart disease, diabetes, or even some cancers. Eating a variety of healthy foods, consuming less salt, sugars, and saturated trans-fats are key to not only to a healthy diet but positive treatment results.

Sleep & TMJ Therapy‘s TMD Cookbook

Download the cookbook above for a full list of smoothies, soups, breakfasts and beverages! To learn more about at-home care, and to plan your visit with Dr. Jeffrey Brown, call our office at 703-821-1103.

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