Breathing in the Night: Understanding Sleep Apnea and Its Fundamentals

Many people are starting to call our office and ask if we can figure out if they have sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is actually a very complicated problem and requires some detailed analysis to figure out if you really have it. First of all, let’s explain what it means to have sleep apnea. Apnea means a complete and total cessation... read more »

What You Should Know About Your Sleep Numbers

What are the sleep numbers and what do they mean for your overall health and well-being? Today we're going to talk a little bit about the Sleep Apnea Index, symptoms of sleep issues in both adults and children and a whole lot more. Let's take a look! AHI- Apnea-Hypopnea Index The Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) is a diagnostic tool used to... read more »

How Does Your Smile Make You Better?

When a person smiles, all sorts of good things happen to them and those around them. In the realm of treating TMD patients, so many of these people have been hurting for so very long that it is often difficult just to get a slight grin out of them. These are the people that need the smile the most! The... read more »

Why am I Always Tired?

Many people in our country are suffering from lack of sleep, quality sleep, and other sleep problems. Collectively, these issues are wrapped up into having what is now called (SDB) or Sleep Disordered Breathing. There are so many issues involved with SDB that it would take pages to explain, so in this short blog, we will review some of the... read more »

What To Do About Lack of Sleep

We already know how important sleep is to the human condition from my last blog, now the next steps involve figuring out what to do about dealing with sleep deprivation, sleep apnea and the pending health issues. One of the best things, just for starters, is to consume enough water to keep your cells functioning as best as possible. The... read more »

Do You Have Sleep Apnea?

You are going to see a lot more about this topic if you watch the news each morning or evening. Sleep apnea is a huge problem in the United States and in many developed countries around the world. The problem seems to be a component of our population aging and becoming more obese with each next generation. As we become... read more »

The End of Another Year is Here

As we approach the end of 2023, I like to reflect back on all that has happened to my family, friends, associates and co-workers. At Sleep and TMJ Therapy, we have all been blessed by another very successful year. By successful, I am referring to the successes that are measurable in terms of how our patients feel, how they have... read more »

The Case of the Confused Craniofacial Case

When it comes to treating your craniofacial pain, there are actually a number of diverse ways to go about it. When a person lands at my office, the first step is really to try and figure out the underlying cause of the pain by doing an in-depth analysis of the problem. This process (in most cases) will entail an MRI... read more »

So, What Is Cortical Erosion?

In the world of TMD, cortical erosion most often refers to erosion and breakdown of the condyle (the top of the jawbone). It can also mean breakdown of the socket that holds the condyle. Basically, cortical erosion refers to a bony degeneration that occurs over time and this can lead to the condyles and joints being very prone to breakage... read more »