We already know how important sleep is to the human condition from my last blog, now the next steps involve figuring out what to do about dealing with sleep deprivation, sleep apnea and the pending health issues. One of the best things, just for starters, is to consume enough water to keep your cells functioning as best as possible. The... read more »
You are going to see a lot more about this topic if you watch the news each morning or evening. Sleep apnea is a huge problem in the United States and in many developed countries around the world. The problem seems to be a component of our population aging and becoming more obese with each next generation. As we become... read more »
There is a high percentage of the population that deals with disordered breathing while sleeping. Many may not understand the effects of this, and how it plays into their daily life. Nor do they understand the options for fixing it. There are different routes to take while exploring what works best for you. MFT refers to Myofunctional Therapy. This means... read more »
Dear Readers, yes, tongue exercises are really a thing. It’s called myofunctional therapy. What you do is you learn how to stretch and move the tongue in different directions so it does not get flaccid (limp) over time, and this keeps the airway more open because the adjacent muscles will tend to be in better shape! So, think of it... read more »
TMJ and sleep disorders are very common but not really understood. This can explain why myths or misconceptions are out there. The other side of this coin is this is also commonly misdiagnosed because symptoms vary from person to person and are similar to other problems. One example of similarities is with Lyme Disease. This is caused by a tick... read more »