When it comes to treating your craniofacial pain, there are actually a number of diverse ways to go about it. When a person lands at my office, the first step is really to try and figure out the underlying cause of the pain by doing an in-depth analysis of the problem. This process (in most cases) will entail an MRI... read more »
When seeking effective treatment for temporomandibular joint disorder (TMD), various factors must be taken into account. TMD primarily involves the displacement of articular discs, which cover the condyles (cartilage on the upper part of the jaw bones), resulting in the compression of nerves and blood vessels. Consequently, individuals experience pain in the head and neck region. Additionally, TMD commonly leads... read more »
Recently, like two weeks ago, my beautiful and amazing CBCT (fancy X-ray system) basically went on the fritz and died. Multiple technicians showed up at my office saying they could fix the problem and bring life back to my machine, but alas, it has remained broken all this time. Technician after technician has shown up, told me they could fix... read more »
When is comes to TMD (Temporomandibular joint Disorder), there are many things that a person has to consider when looking for successful treatment. With TMD, most of the time the articular discs that cover the condyles (the cartilage on top of the jaw bones) are displaced and will pinch nerves and blood vessels. This leads to head and neck pain.... read more »
What a gorgeous smile means to most of us is a great set of pearly whites that show off how healthy we are and how much we care about ourselves. Caring about your smile also translates into caring about your entire body which just makes good sense. What this means to you is that by keeping all your teeth, your... read more »