What You Should Know About Your Sleep Numbers

What are the sleep numbers and what do they mean for your overall health and well-being? Today we're going to talk a little bit about the Sleep Apnea Index, symptoms of sleep issues in both adults and children and a whole lot more. Let's take a look! AHI- Apnea-Hypopnea Index The Apnea-Hypopnea Index (AHI) is a diagnostic tool used to... read more »

Do You Have Sleep Apnea?

You are going to see a lot more about this topic if you watch the news each morning or evening. Sleep apnea is a huge problem in the United States and in many developed countries around the world. The problem seems to be a component of our population aging and becoming more obese with each next generation. As we become... read more »

How MFT Can Help AHI, OSA, & Other Abbreviations

There is a high percentage of the population that deals with disordered breathing while sleeping.  Many may not understand the effects of this, and how it plays into their daily life. Nor do they understand the options for fixing it. There are different routes to take while exploring what works best for you. MFT refers to Myofunctional Therapy. This means... read more »