The temporomandibular joint, or TMJ, is a complex and sensitive area of the body that plays a significant role in our daily lives. This small joint, located in front of each ear, allows us to open and close our mouths, chew food, speak and even yawn. Despite its importance, many people are unaware of the significance of the TMJ and... read more »
When a patient calls in and says, “I think I have TMJ” the office staff could possibly be quite flip. More than likely such a response would never happen. Realistically, what a person is trying to say is he or she is having a TMJ problem, not that they have a Temporomandibular Joint (TMJ). This is a bit of a... read more »
Dear Readers, yes, tongue exercises are really a thing. It’s called myofunctional therapy. What you do is you learn how to stretch and move the tongue in different directions so it does not get flaccid (limp) over time, and this keeps the airway more open because the adjacent muscles will tend to be in better shape! So, think of it... read more »
In the world of dealing with craniofacial and TMJ disorders, it is critical to look at any asymmetries or irregularities that might exist within a person’s skull. This can be as simple as just visually sitting down in front of that patient and looking at them from a critical viewpoint, or as detailed as taking X-rays from all angles and... read more »