Mastering Your Jaw Pain: Innovative Approaches to TMJ Management

Dealing with TMJ disorder can be a frustrating and painful experience. The constant symptoms like jaw pain, facial pain, ear pain and neck pain can significantly impact your quality of life. However, with the right approach to management, you can find relief and improve your overall well-being. In this blog post, we will explore innovative strategies for managing TMJ disorder... read more »

The Case of the Confused Craniofacial Case

When it comes to treating your craniofacial pain, there are actually a number of diverse ways to go about it. When a person lands at my office, the first step is really to try and figure out the underlying cause of the pain by doing an in-depth analysis of the problem. This process (in most cases) will entail an MRI... read more »

The Case of the No Pain Patient

  Here we are in the middle of 2022, and I have to admit that every day I am in the office I see incredible things. At this point I am so used to hearing that our patients feel better, headaches are down and they are sleeping. This has become the norm. But every now and then it just does... read more »

Myths about TMJ and Sleep

TMJ and sleep disorders are very common but not really understood.  This can explain why myths or misconceptions are out there.  The other side of this coin is this is also commonly misdiagnosed because symptoms vary from person to person and are similar to other problems.  One example of similarities is with Lyme Disease.  This is caused by a tick... read more »