TMJ Health: The Secret Key to a Vibrant Smile

When it comes to showcasing a beautiful smile, many people focus solely on the appearance of their teeth. However, what often goes unnoticed is the crucial role that TMJ health plays in achieving a vibrant and confident smile. Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is not just responsible for opening and closing your mouth; it also plays a significant role in your... read more »

The Importance of Healthy Joints in Battling TMJ Disorder Among Seniors

Healthy joints play a crucial role in the overall well-being of all individuals, especially seniors who may be more prone to conditions like TMJ disorder. TMJ, or temporomandibular joint disorder, can cause a range of symptoms such as jaw pain, neck pain and difficulty chewing. This disorder in the elderly demographic presents unique challenges, primarily due to factors such as... read more »

The Case of the Confused Craniofacial Case

When it comes to treating your craniofacial pain, there are actually a number of diverse ways to go about it. When a person lands at my office, the first step is really to try and figure out the underlying cause of the pain by doing an in-depth analysis of the problem. This process (in most cases) will entail an MRI... read more »

The Case of The Missing MRI

At this time, it is the middle of 2023, and I am baffled and frustrated. Just in the past few weeks, I have met a respectable number of people who have reported chronic pain for years on end. They told me about their experiences with joint injections, physical therapy, massage and medications of course.  They were all just sick and... read more »